• Do you know what the benefits of trail running are?

    Trail running is a natural environment in the wild running on trails and foot movement. It runs the site and roads running difference is that runners mostly in the wild nature on hiking trail running, mountain passes often, larger fluctuations may occur. …
  • What should I do if I have a knee pain after running?

    Knee pain is the biggest problem facing many love runners. According to the survey, 30% of runners have happened after running, there is a knee pain. Therefore, some people say that knee pain caused by knee injury is the king of jogging pain. In fact, the knee pain is not only a running step, like a long time, cycling, climbing stairs, etc., can cause the knee repeated flexible activity to cause k…
  • What are the precautions for participating in the marathon?

    A pair of suitable own shoes is the first thing to prepare, not only the foundation of the competition, but also helps novices reduce the risk of injury. …
  • Why is more and more people start running the marathon?

    Like the marathon, there are thousands of people who are running,only ancient battlefields can be more than. And a marathon is through the common feelings, let us re-feel the invincible of this population force in modern life.…
  • What preparations need to be done before running the marathon?

    Running requires certain talents, while long run more requires high frequency training. Marathon is a high-quality exercise, which is very dangerous if it is a lot of exercise, blindly participating in the marathon. Marathon is an aerobic metabolic movement that has a very high demand for physical strength and endurance.…


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